Earn college credit by testing your knowledge

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP offers 33 exams in five subject areas, covering material taught in courses that you may generally take in your first two years of college. CLEP is created and administered by College Board. These tests assess college-level knowledge in thirty-six subject areas that allow you to earn college credits without taking college courses.

Visit the College Board CLEP website for more information.

Acceptable CLEP exams

CLEP Course Required Score Concordia Equivalents Credits
Composition & Literature
American Literature 50 ENG 1030, ENG 3410, ENG 1300 3
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 ENG 1030, ENG 1300 3
College Composition 50 ENG 1040, ENG 2100 3
College Composition Modular 50 ENG 1040, ENG 2100 3
English Literature 50 ENG 1030, ENG 3440, ENG 1300 3
Humanities 50 Elective 3
Science and Mathematics
Biology 50 BIO 1401 4
Calculus 50 MATH 2010 4
Chemistry 50 CHEM 1003 4
College Algebra 50 MATH 1280 3
College Mathematics 50 MATH 1250 3
Natural Sciences 50 SCI 1000, SCI 1100 4
Precalculus 50 MATH 1970 3
History and Social Sciences
American Government 50 POLS 2010, POLS 1350 3
History of the US I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 HIST 1000 3
History of the US II: 1865 to the Present 50 HIST 1000 3
Human Growth and Development 50 PSY 2300, ED 1275 3
Introductory Psychology 50 PSY 1010 3
Introductory Sociology 50 SOC 1010 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECON 2220 3
Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECON 2100 3
Social Sciences and History 50 Elective 6
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 Society & Culture 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 Society & Culture 3
World Languages (fulfill communication requirement)
German Language Level 1 50 GER 1010 & GER 1020 6
Spanish Language Level 1 50 SPAN 1010 & SPAN 1020 8
Spanish Language Level 2 63 SPAN 1010 & SPAN 1020 & SPAN 2010 11
Financial Accounting 50 ACCT 2100 3
Information Systems 50 CSC 1010, CSC 1050, BUS 3420 3
Introductory Business Law 50 BUS 2200 3
Principles of Management 50 MGMT 1200, BUS 2660 3
Principles of Marketing 50 MKTG 1300 3
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

DSST Exams offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use knowledge acquired outside of the classroom (from personal research, on-the-job training, independent study, work or military field experience) to accomplish their educational goals.

Visit the DSST website for more information.

Acceptable DSST exams

Dsst Course (up to 30 credits accepted in transfer) Concordia Equivalency Credits
Art of the Western World ART 1510, Creativity 3
Business Ethics & Society BUS 3240 3
Business Mathematics Elective 3
Civil War and Reconstruction HIST 2200, Society & Culture 3
Computing and Information Technology CSC 1010, CSC 1050 3
Criminal Justice JPP 3010 3
Ethics in America Elective 3
Ethics in Technology CSC 3010 3
Foundations of Education ED 1102 3
Fundamentals of College Algebra MATH 1280 3
Fundamentals of Counseling Elective 3
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity CSC 3600 3
General Anthropology Elective 3
Health & Human Development HHP 1115 3
History of the Vietnam War Elective 3
Human Resource Mgmt/Personnel MGMT 3600 3
Human/Cultural Geography Society & Culture 3
Introduction to Business Elective 3
Introduction to Law Enforcement JPP 3060 3
Introduction to World Religions Elective 3
Lifespan Developmental Psychology ED 1275, PSY 2300 3
Management Information Systems BUS 3420 3
Money and Banking FIN320 3
Organizational Behavior BUS 2660 3
Personal Finance FIN 2000 3
Principles of Finance FIN 3000 3
Principles of Public Speaking COMM 1100, COMM 1010 3
Principles of Statistics BUS 3450 3
Principles of Supervision BUS 2600 3
Substance Abuse/Drug & Alcohol Abuse Elective 3
Technical Writing BCOM 2400 3

Schedule an exam

DSST and CLEP exams are administered at the Mequon and Ann Arbor Campuses. CLEP exams can also be taken remotely and are administered through College Board. Eligible military members can take DSST exams remotely.

Schedule an in-person exam:

Schedule an Exam

Schedule a remote exam:

  • DSST (must be a military member to take DSST remotely)
  • CLEP


In-person DSST and CLEP exams are proctored through the Academic Resource Center. The Academic Resource Center can be reached at 262-243-2623 (at the Mequon Campus) or 734-995-7460 (at the Ann Arbor Campus). Questions specific to earning credit should be directed to the student's advisor.

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